by Laurie Buchanan, Ph.D. | Dec 1, 2020 | Unbound Health, Unbound Lifestyle
When I was in private practice as a holistic health practitioner, I used a variety of healing modalities and discovered early on that one of the most effective therapies is therapeutic writing. When integrated as adjunctive therapy in an overall treatment plan, it can...
by Laurie Buchanan, Ph.D. | Nov 5, 2020 | Unbound Health
Having just relocated from another state, a new client, Joyce, shared with me during her first visit: “You need to know that I’m a liar. I had two best friends, whom I adored. All of that came to an end because of my lies. My promotion at work is based on lies—well,...
by Laurie Buchanan, Ph.D. | Oct 2, 2020 | Unbound Health, Unbound Lifestyle
When someone we love and trust hurts us—whether through a lie, rejection, a betrayal, an insult, or abuse—it can be challenging to overcome. Forgiveness begins when we’re ready to release the feelings associated with being a victim. One of my clients, Erin shared, “I...
by Laurie Buchanan, Ph.D. | Sep 1, 2020 | Unbound Health
Does the amount of money people accumulate have anything to do with their level of happiness? In his 2008 book, The Geography of Bliss: One Grump’s Search for the Happiest Places in the World, Eric Weiner wrote, “Recent research into happiness reveals that money does...
by Laurie Buchanan, Ph.D. | Aug 3, 2020 | Unbound Health, Unbound Lifestyle
Being alone and being lonely aren’t synonymous; they’re not the same thing. Many people, including me, enjoy being alone; we’re content and comfortable being by ourselves. Loneliness is a feeling that intimacy, understanding, friendship, and acceptance are missing...