The much-anticipated documentary “The Game Changers” is coming to theaters on September 16, 2019. The announcement of its release created a swell of interest in plant-based eating and plant-powered athletes in no small part due to the fact that its Executive Producers...
The digital nomad, RV, and tiny house lifestyles are appealing for many reasons. Those of us who’ve embrace these non-traditional ways of living and working have immediately experienced many rewards. While we often focus on the benefits, it’s important to acknowledge...
I’m going to assume that anyone interested in this article is one of those people who others describe as an overachiever but who feels like an underachiever. (But perhaps I’m projecting.) Regardless of why you’re here, let’s get down to it because the first rule of...
Referrals are perhaps the most efficient way to get new business and establish yourself as a problem solver, but many business people aren’t giving or receiving them in a way that maximizes the benefits and encourages a steady flow. What a Referral Is A referral is,...
The Difference Between Pricing Products and Services Before making purchases, most people want to have some idea about what they should expect to pay. Internet searches and conversations with people you know can often give you an accurate price range for the items you...