If you are planning to give your luxury home in District Onea facelift, the quickest option you have is to go for a fresh coat of paint. All you will have to do is to choose the right colors and products and your home’s aura will be lifted manifolds. It will become more visually appealing and will surely look as new as ever. Remember that you won’t need professionals to do it all the time and can even do it all on your own too. All it takes is a bit of confidence and passion towards home improvement chores. Even if you haven’t tried it ever before, it will be one great experience that you’re going to have. Furthermore, it is quite cost-effective and will not only beautify your home but will also protect the walls.
Now that you have got excited, here are a few things that you need to take care of for completing a perfect house painting job in District One.
Avoid Painting In Rainy Season
Even though it’s not always rainy in Dubai, you should still be very careful about it. When you’ll try to paint your home in humid atmosphere, it will cause the paint to drip down rather than sticking right there and drying out quickly. It will affect the quality of the painting job and it will not last for too long either. So, it is advised that you wait for those sunny and dry days for painting your home.
Buy the Best Accessories
Before you start out on your home painting job, it is really important that you plan things properly and know exactly what you’d need for painting the walls to perfection. Buy best accessories available in the market because when you’re using quality products, you’ll be able to get quality results. So, make sure that you opt for quality rollers, painter’s tape, and paint brushes so that there are no scattered paint strokes and everything looks just perfect once you are done painting.
Get A Quantity Estimate
In case, if you skip the ground work and don’t have any estimates in mind about how much paint you’d need for the job, you may end up in a weird situation. For example, you can initially buy less paint than required only to find out that you need more of it but the same color is not on the market anymore. So, it would be ideal that before buying the paint you should get an expert to provide you with an estimate on how much of it you will need for your entire home. Also, make sure that paint is used intelligently and you use just one container for mixing all paint boxes so that the job becomes easier.
Choose the Right Colors
How beautiful your ‘District One’ home is going to look will depend primarily on your color choice. So, always go for appealing shades that work fine with the overall theme of your rooms. For small spaces, it would be a great idea to choose brighter shades that produce an illusion of space and openness. You can play with the darker tones for big and open spaces.
Use Primer and Shiner For An Extravagant Look
It is always advised that you should use top quality primer for giving the walls a nice protective coat before you paint them with the actual color. Use primer before painting and apply a shiner afterwards to get a perfect finish. It will also help ensure that the paint lasts longer. Before painting on the primed walls, however, ensure that you let the primer to dry out. Fix the roller with extension pole to make the job easier and paint in top-to-bottom strokes. If needed, go for a second coat after the first one is completely dried out.
So, follow these simple tips to get a perfect painting job done. Your home will surely get a whole new look inside out if you are able to do it all right.