We all want to thrive. In our personal lives, in our business, in our relationships, and in everything we do. We also know, on some level, that thriving is a choice. It is not about what happens to us, but about what we do and the choices we make.

A large part of that is the ability to focus on things in our lives that promote our ability to learn, grow, and thereby succeed. It is much easier, though, to neglect those things in favor of other things in our lives that are “urgent.”

This brings us to the value of this book, Thriving from A to Z: Best Practices to Increase Resilience, Satisfaction, and Success. The author, Dr. Lynn Schmidt, takes some very complicated subjects, many of which entire books have been written about, and puts them into one volume, twenty-six things you can read about and focus on for a day, a week, or even just a few hours.

These little snippets mean that you can pick one chapter a week, and go through the entire book twice in a year. What advantages does this have for you?


Stop what you are doing for just a second and try to focus on more than one thing at a time. Is their music playing in the background? Listen carefully to the lyrics. Focus on them, and then try to write an email at the same time.

What happened? You had to stop focusing as hard on one thing to start doing another. Our brains have a hard time focusing on more than one thing: whenever we try to multi-task, we are really prioritizing one thing more than the others. None of them are getting our best.

That is the same when it comes to our personal lives too. We can only focus, really concentrate on one thing at a time. Picking one best practice solidifies it in your mind and daily practice. Repeating it later in the year serves as a reminder and reinforcement.


Yes, you could go out each week, and read a different book on these practices. The problem is that most of us do not have time for that. It is difficult enough for us to squeeze reading a book every couple of weeks into our schedule, let alone one that is intellectual and often dry.

This book provides an overview of these practices that is quick and easy to digest. Yes, you may at some point want to explore deeper about creativity or gratitude, and you can, but for a quick read and easy to apply principle, these chapters and following note pages are a great tool.


Dr. Lynn Schmidt clearly did her research and is an authority in these areas. Chapters are succinct but packed with pertinent principles that show a depth of knowledge.

When it comes to the principle of thriving, there are all kinds of ideas out there. This book takes a broader, more holistic approach, giving the reader a solid foundation for living a more successful and life through growth and learning.

For anyone who is new to self-help and self-care, or for a seasoned practitioner who just wants quick reminders and check-ins in order to stay centered, this book is an invaluable tool, and one that may never make it from the corner of your desk to the bookshelf.

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