

It’s easy. Follow the rules live a happy life. Krissa knows what she wants. She has her life planned out to a ‘T’… that is until Braden enters her life. It doesn’t take long before she is forced to be paired with him. Krissa doesn’t mind but Braden can’t stand the thought of being run by the government. When he disappears, Krissa is left with a mangled heart and no idea of what her future will hold…


Krissa is starting to pull herself together after Braden’s disappearance, although her life is anywhere but where she wants it to be. She has one year to find Braiden or meet someone new. Enter Duke. He is a perfect gentleman and everything that Krissa has ever dreamed of. When things finally become normal, Krissa begins to fall in love with Duke. Then Braden returns and Krissa has to choose between where she wants to be and where her heart is.
Honestly, I don’t like these kinds of books. YA Dystopian Romances tend to have too many loose ends and are incredibly predictable. But K.D. Ferguson does an incredible job with her stories. She is able to create worlds and rules while leaving enough to the imagination. Her emotions are raw and relate-able to any girl who has had her heart broken. If you enjoyed the romance between Bella and Edward in Twilight, you will enjoy this series.

You can get the books here:

Torn: True Love (Love Series Book 1)

Tore: Divided Love (Love Series Book 2)

More about K.D. Ferguson
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004971341970
Twitter- @kristend732
Instagram – kristend732
Blog- http://adayinthelifeofkferg.blogspot.com

– C.L. Wrublik