I know that 2020 may have been difficult for many, and I do not wish to diminish those struggles. The purpose of my Ode to 2020 is that I chose to approach the challenges 2020 brought me and my family with a positive frame of mind, and how that frame has created...
Being alone and being lonely aren’t synonymous; they’re not the same thing. Many people, including me, enjoy being alone; we’re content and comfortable being by ourselves. Loneliness is a feeling that intimacy, understanding, friendship, and acceptance are missing...
We’ve all been told that the average person needs eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. It doesn’t sound like a lot. After all, in a 24-hour day that comes to only one 8-ounce glass every three hours. It seems reasonable until you realize that it’s 2:00 in the...
Hiking on its own is an exciting and exhilarating endeavor. Why, then, would anyone want to hike in the dark? What could it possibly add that regular hiking doesn’t already offer? Actually, hiking in the dark offers both unique obstacles as well as unique rewards. Why...
The potential remedial uses of cannabis can cover a whole page. As such, more individuals are turning to the ancient herb to exploit the therapeutic benefits if offers. Experts suggest that hemp oil, a natural cannabis extract, can curb various conditions starting...