The much-anticipated documentary “The Game Changers” is coming to theaters on September 16, 2019. The announcement of its release created a swell of interest in plant-based eating and plant-powered athletes in no small part due to the fact that its Executive Producers...
The most significant contributor to our weight—or lack thereof—is the amount of food we eat. Whether we’re overweight, underweight, or just right: To gain weight, we have to consume more fuel (calories) than we burn. To maintain weight, we have to consume and burn the...
We often think of ‘getting healthy’ as something that has an end goal. Of course, targeted goal-setting can be a fantastic means of pushing yourself forward towards that ideal circumstance. You may wish to get to your target weight or run a mile in a certain time....
Our Guest Author today is D. Scott Caruthers, a gifted writer with a passion for food. His culinary interest was encouraged by his parents, who had extensive experience in the food industry. Caruthers earned an English degree and now combines his two loves, writing...
I have always been fairly health conscious when it comes to my food. Making sure to eat enough fruits and veggies with protein and avoiding carbs. At least I like to think. I was diagnosed with a scary internal bleeding condition in 2011 that threw my food intake all...