With the bushfire season finally upon us, it’s become imperative for residents living in bushfire areas to take proactive steps in ensuring that their property has sufficient protection in the unfortunate event of a bushfire. According to Climate Council, not only are the effects of climate change making it easier for bushfires to occur, but it’s also making the bushfire season extend over a longer period. Needless to say, it’s vital for Australian homeowners to stay even more aware and alert during these periods, whilst also investing in the right products to fit with the safety requirements of their home.

When it comes to choosing effective solutions that work in the event of a bushfire, security doors stand as both a highly popular and affordable solution that promises to prove itself as a worthwhile investment in the long run. There are a range of qualities and attributes about these structures which make them so effective at doing their job in protecting your home against the conditions experienced throughout a bushfire. Below, we’ve made sure to explain a few of them:

Security Doors Built to Strict Standards

Australian Standards AS3959-2009 specify the requirements a security door must fulfill in order to be deemed appropriate for use in a bushfire-prone area. In order to meet such standards, the door must be subjected to a series of tests so that it can be assured of resisting intense levels of heat and flaming debris. Once the door has passed the administered tests, it will gain the relevant certifications and henceforth be fit for use on properties situated in bushfire-prone areas. As a result, you can invest in these products knowing that they’ve been tried and tested against a number of conditions characteristic of bushfires, and will be capable of providing your property with that additional layer of protection it needs if an unfortunate event were to occur.

Made from Premium Materials

Only high-quality materials known for their durability and strength are chosen to be used in the manufacture of security doors. One of the most commonly used materials for this purpose is stainless steel. When it comes down to protecting your property from something as unforgiving and destructive as fire, there’s no reason for you to be sparing any expense. After all, when you want to protect your loved ones as well as your most precious belongings, you’d want to guarantee the most effective solutions possible to ensure their safety and security. Security doors manufactured for bushfire-prone areas are effective at resisting and withstanding against ember attacks and heat flux, so you’re ensured a suitable method of mitigating the damages experiencing in a bushfire and lessening the amount of devastation caused by such a disaster.

Long-Lasting Protection

Security doors should provide functionality and practicality for your property for an extended period of time- how else would they prove as a worthwhile investment? Australian security doors for bushfire-prone areas are manufactured specifically to meet the unforgiving demands of the harsh environment. Moreover, they will ensure to stand strong despite years of daily abuse, along with the tests of time. Consequently, they make for a long-lasting solution that promises protection and an additional amount of safety on your property for a considerable amount of years.

Security Doors Add Value

If you’re living in a bush-fire prone area and hoping to put your property on the market someday, then it’s important to ensure that it has all the necessary features so that it can resist the conditions of a bushfire. In this way, you can do the next owners of your home a favor by saving them the trouble of having to install such products themselves. Consequently, you will probably be able to receive a higher price for your property since it already has all the adequate safety measures installed.

Investing in bushfire security doors for your Perth home can work wonders in lessening the number of damages your property would otherwise be subjected to in the event of a bushfire. This is what makes them such an essential product for residents living in areas that are prone to bushfires. In addition to providing additional resistance against embers, heat and flaming debris, security doors also instill a high level of safety and long-lasting value into your abode. As such, there’s really no reason why you wouldn’t consider them for your property!

Cristina Payton is a writer and content manager of Aus-Secure, one of the leading manufacturers and installers of security doors and screens in Perth. She is also a contributor to home security and improvement blogs, promoting safety, practical & wise home improvements, and strongly believes that style and function can work together.