If you run a business, then you will know how important it is to sell a large amount of products. If you don’t then your profit will suffer, and you may even find it difficult to turn things around.

Create a Page per Product

It’s so important that you create a page for every single product that you have. A visitor will then be able to see detailed information about what they are buying, and it will also give you the chance to present it properly too. Try and think about having multiple variations, photos and even a clear description of what you are selling too. The last thing that you want to have is a single product photo and a “pay now” button. This won’t inspire much customer trust and it will also make it much more difficult for you to connect with them too.

Your Customer’s Voice

New customers can be hesitant about buying products. They tend to look up a lot of online reviews and even personal recommendations before they go ahead with their purchase. For this reason, you have to make sure that you have some good reviews out there for them to read. You need to make sure that your customers are vouching for your company and that they are also praising your efforts. This will instantly help you to get more sales and it will also make you appear more trustworthy as well. If you want to take things to that next level, then it helps to respond to them online. Tell them that you appreciate them and that you welcome their custom. This will help them to stay loyal to your brand.


Everyone loves a good deal. There is nothing better than having a sales campaign on your site. You could have it so customers can buy a product and then get one free, or you could even have it so that they can get a discount on any given product. You can even send customers a discount code right to their inbox. This will encourage other people or potential customers to sign up to your newsletter and it will also help to give them the incentive they need to go ahead and make that purchase.

User Testing

If you are not investing in user testing right now, then you are making a huge mistake. You have to know if your customers are actually interested in what you have to say, and you also need to make sure that they are happy with the product you are providing too. There are so many user research methods out there for you to choose from and it is a great way for you to really make the most out of what you sell.


It’s normal to spend hours staring at something on a site. You may then add it to your cart, and then completely abandon the purchase. This happens, and we’ve all been there. For the store owner, this can be really disappointing. If you want to try and stop this then you need to make sure that the checkout process is as simple as possible. You also need to make sure that you only ask for information that is absolutely required. Sure, it may be handy for you to have your customer’s phone number for marketing reasons but if you don’t need it to complete the sale then you absolutely need to rethink this.



If you do not have good photos on your site, then you really are limiting your own success. It’s very easy for you to take good photos as well, and you don’t always need to hire a professional. When taking photos of your products, try and get plenty. You also need to make sure that you have good lighting. If you are not able to do this or if you do not have the time to set up a makeshift photography studio then it’s a good idea for you to hire a professional. When you do this, you can then count on them to help you to get the right angle and they can also showcase your product in the best light too.

So, getting more sales doesn’t need to be difficult. When you follow the above tips, you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to really take things to that next level. You can also boost your profit and your customer trust too, which is everything when you run your own business.