If you would like to live a full life, you don’t just have to look after your digestive system and organ health, but also ensure that you can enjoy every moment of your life. As we age, our senses will become weaker, especially if we don’t look after them regularly. It is important that you get regular eye and hearing tests, and make some small lifestyle changes that will help you keep your senses sharp for longer. While a healthy diet is important, you will also have to manage your existing conditions to prevent permanent damage. Find out more below.
Natural Light Whenever You Can
We spend too much time in front of the computer these days, and that means that we are more likely to develop eye strains that can result in permanent damage to the retina. If you work on a computer, it is impossible to reduce your screen time, without giving up your job, but you can make some small adjustments that will help. Try to look away from the screen every minute or so, and learn touch typing, so you don’t have to stare into artificial light all day.
Face Yoga
If you would like to exercise your eyes, face yoga is one of the best and most entertaining ways to get started. You will not only learn how to relax and exercise your face muscles but also keep your skin younger for longer. Face yoga allows you to exercise your eyes and face for a couple of minutes, even at work, and without any equipment, You should search YouTube for some great videos explaining the benefits of this great exercise involving rolling your eyes.
Healthy Diet
It is crucial that you support your vision and immune system through your diet, too. Avoid processed food, and eat loads of vitamins and minerals that contain Vitamins K and B12. You might also want to increase your zinc and magnesium intake, so you can support your body in maintaining your senses.
Sauna for Treating Sinus Infections
Those who are prone to getting a sinus infection will need to ensure that they are getting rid of the bacteria and blockage in their sinus and respiratory system regularly. Visiting a sauna once a month will not only improve your skin complexion, but also help your body flush out the bacteria from your skin. By going to the sauna, you can also prevent hearing loss resulting in having to wear hearing aids most of the time.
Manage Your Allergies
Image via Public Domain Pictures
If you would like to manage your existing conditions and prevent complications, you might want to start with your allergies and sensitivities. Some food or pollutant allergies will require you to change your lifestyle, while others can be managed with medication. Talk to your doctor about the best way to manage your existing condition.
To look after your senses as you age, you might need to change your lifestyle or find a way to make the most out of your diet, exercise, and daily routine.
Troy is a Freelance writer, editor, and author who lives, works, and plays in Boise, Idaho where he hikes, cycles, skis, and basically enjoys the outdoor lifestyle of the Northwest. Troy writes about business, sports, GIS, Education, and more. He is most passionate about writing suspense thrillers, and his work can be found at https://www.amazon.com/Troy-Lambert/e/B005LL1QEC/