Hiring new employees is a time-consuming task, setting up the application process, the laborious task of sifting through all the resumes, not to mention finding the time to interview everyone. As the hiring process can be a long and drawn out task, it is understandable that many businesses want to recruit the right staff and keep hold of them, rather than repeating the recruitment process over and over again.

If you are looking to find the perfect team member and ways to boost your employee retention, here are some ideas that can help:

Speed up the Recruitment Process

A slow-moving recruitment process can be damaging to your business’ reputation and is likely to mean that you miss out on the best recruits as they have already been snapped up by another company. Reviewing your HR processes to get them working efficiently is the key to speeding up your recruitment process, and attracting the best applicants. More and more businesses are seeing the benefit of adopting AI in recruitment processes to provide a better experience for applicants and save time for staff in their HR departments. AI can help at each stage of the recruitment process, including the interview stage where video technology comes in to play.

Training and Development

If you want to retain staff, you will need to provide them with opportunities to enhance their skill set and move onto the next rung on the career ladder. If you are not offering employees opportunities for personal development, it is likely that they will soon move onto another company to progress their career. This means that often your best, most highly motivated staff are the ones who leave your business, which is something that you would prefer to avoid, otherwise, you are back to square one looking for new hires once again.

Workplace Culture

Your workplace culture has a significant influence on your staff’s motivation to stay or leave your business. If you want to keep hold of your employees, creating a positive work environment and culture is going to be a big part of providing an incentive for them to stay.

Creating a positive workplace culture doesn’t have to mean a lot of expense on your part. The simple things are the most effective. Focusing on factors such as excellent internal communication, praising staff for good work, and treating people fairly are the key to creating a happy and positive work environment. Poor communication is often the root cause of employee dissatisfaction, and the feeling of ‘being the last one to know’ when changes are implemented can be incredibly demoralizing for employees. Communicating relevant information in a timely will address this issue.

Having realistic expectations of your employees, allowing some give and take, and providing employees with the right equipment and processes to do their job will not only help to retain staff, but is also likely to have a positive impact on reducing the amount of sick leave staff take, and in particular time off related to stress.