Introduction Are you looking for the right legal attorney for your business? Is your business embroiled in lawsuits and other problems, which you need to be taken care of? Do you know what some of the qualities are in a legal team, which you should look for? Have you...
Most of the time people like you and me have a particular narrative that it’s expensive and not essential to hire a lawyer or an attorney until they get into some complex situations or trouble that requires the intervention of legal minds. Becker & Company are...
The Bunker Hill mine, located in the historic Coeur d’Alene Miming region of northern Idaho was one of the top silver producers in the country for nearly a century. The mine site was also home to a lead-silver smelter which contributed greatly to lead pollution in the...
Education and crime is an extensively studied topic. Scholars seem to disagree on some issues. However, they seem to agree on the social and economic benefits of education. By extension, knowledge can influence the need to engage in criminal activity. This support...
Today, O.J. Simpson was granted parole, although the soonest the ex-football star and suspected murderer can get out is October 1st, 2017. This comes as no surprise: Simpson was a model prisoner, has family support including his eldest daughter who testified at the...
O.J. Simpson, age 70, is up for a parole hearing on July 20, 2017 at 1pm ET. He is imprisoned for breaking into a hotel in Las Vegas in 2007 in an attempt to recover some of his memorabilia from his professional athlete days. However, the team of robbers left with...