Unbound Politics is not affiliated with any party or political organization. We don’t want to classify ourselves as liberal, conservative, or independent. We welcome all political discussions, as long as they are respectful.
There will be no name-calling, racism, or bullying and bashing of any kind. We welcome fact supported, thoughtful opinions. You must use credible academic or media sources to back up any claims you make.
The administrators of this site do lean toward a more liberal or centralist view of the world in general: we believe we should be socially responsible, environmentally responsible, compassionate and kind whenever possible, and sincere in our respect for others and their right to express their views.
Political posts must fall within those beliefs. This is our site, and likely we will express some bias and favor our opinions on certain matters.
In that vein, you must pitch any political posts before writing them. Please visit the Write for Us page for guidelines.
Troy is a Freelance writer, editor, and author who lives, works, and plays in Boise, Idaho where he hikes, cycles, skis, and basically enjoys the outdoor lifestyle of the Northwest. Troy writes about business, sports, GIS, Education, and more. He is most passionate about writing suspense thrillers, and his work can be found at https://www.amazon.com/Troy-Lambert/e/B005LL1QEC/